Solar Energy at the Tugboat Inn

Green Hotel

Lafayette Hotels of Boothbay Harbor have partnered with local solar company ReVision Energy to install grid-tied photovoltaic solar energy arrays at the Tugboat and Boothbay Harbor Inns through the GridSolar Boothbay pilot project.

In 2014, 80 panels at the Tugboat Inn produced 25,726 kWh of zero-emission solar power and offset 13.63 tCO2 (metric tons of carbon dioxide) emissions. 152 panels at Boothbay Harbor Inn produced 53,640 kWh of zero-emission solar power. This array offset 28.43 tCO2 emissions.

The total savings for the two properties in emissions is equivalent to*:

The Annual Greenhouse emissions of:

CO2 emissions from:

The amount of carbon sequestered by:

* Source: “Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator” on

Solar Panels - Tugboat Inn Boothbay Harbor
Maine Car Charging Station

Maine Car Charging Station

Re-Charge at the Tugboat Inn!

As part of our ongoing commitment to green practices, we have an electric car charging station available on our property

The Charger is Complimentary for Tugboat Inn Guests (fee based for non guests)

For Assistance Please Inquire at the Front Desk

Find other car charging stations in Maine here (our station is new and we will be added here soon). In addition, check out this phone app called PlugShare to find chargers in Maine and elsewhere.